Dataset: /thredds/ncss/tsunamis/112_km_N_of_Maumere__Indonesia_us6000gc2a/output/ ( Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

Select Variable(s):

arrival_times = Arrival times of the tsunami
max_height = Maximum wave amplitude

Variables with available Times: 0.0 1006.0433959960938 2005.4681396484375 3004.892822265625 4004.317626953125 5003.7421875 6003.1669921875 7002.591796875 8002.0166015625 9001.44140625 10000.8662109375 11000.291015625 12006.333984375 13005.7587890625 14005.18359375 15004.6083984375 16004.033203125 17003.45703125 18002.8828125 19002.306640625 20001.732421875 21001.15625 22000.58203125 23000.005859375 24006.048828125 25005.474609375 26004.8984375 27004.32421875 28003.748046875 29003.171875 30002.59765625 31002.021484375 32001.447265625 33000.87109375 34000.296875 35006.33984375 36005.765625 37005.1875 38004.61328125 39004.0390625 40003.46484375 41002.88671875 42002.3125 43001.73828125 44001.1640625 45000.5859375 46000.01171875 47006.0546875 48005.48046875 49004.90625 50004.328125 51003.75390625 52003.1796875 53002.6015625 54002.02734375 55001.453125 56000.87890625 57000.30078125 58006.34375 59005.76953125 60005.1953125 61004.62109375 62004.04296875 63003.46875 64002.89453125 65002.3203125 66001.7421875 67001.1640625 68000.59375 69000.015625 70006.0625 71005.484375 72004.9140625 73004.3359375 74003.7578125 75003.1875 76002.609375 77002.03125 78001.4609375 79000.8828125 80000.3046875 81006.3515625 82005.7734375 83005.203125 84004.625 85004.046875 86003.4765625 seconds since 1970-01-01

eta = Wave amplitude

Choose Spatial Subset:

Lat/lon subset
Coordinate subset
Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east

Disable horizontal subsetting
reset to full extension

Horizontal Stride:

Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension
Add 2D Lat/Lon to file (if needed for CF compliance)

Choose Output Format:

NCSS Request URL:


NetCDF Subset Service Documentation